Applications for 2024 Exam For Foreign Students For Higher Education in Türkiye (2024-TR-YÖS/1)
07 Mart 2024, Perşembe - 17:27
Güncelleme: 08 Mart 2024, Cuma - 12:14
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2024 Exam For Foreign Students For Higher Education in Türkiye (2024-TR-YÖS/1) will be administered by ÖSYM on May 18, 2024. Applications for the exam will be made between March 1 and 18, 2024. /Candidates will apply individually from ÖSYM's website / The application guide presents detailed information about the exam. Please refer to the following link to access the guide. Candidates who will apply for the exam should carefully study the guide. / Respectfully announced to candidates and the public. 

EXAM FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS FOR HIGHER EDUCATION IN TÜRKİYE (TR-YÖS/1) GUIDE,29233/2024-tr-yos1-kilavuz-ve-basvuru-bilgileri.html

Ondokuz Mayıs University
International Student Affairs Office
0362 312 19 19 Extension: 7311-7317

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